International Volunteers Day A Post From MGF Aminat Jubril MOMOH (Class 2)
Thursday 05 Dec 2019

INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER DAY - Volunteer For an Inclusive Future📝🥂🇳🇬🌍

International Volunteer Day (IVD) mandated by the United Nations General Assembly, is held each year on 5 December. It is viewed as a unique chance for volunteers and organizations to celebrate their efforts, to share their values, and to promote their work among their communities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, government authorities and the private sector.

Volunteering provides opportunities for people, particularly those often excluded, to concretely impact their own lives and play a constructive role in their communities by volunteering their time and skills. Through volunteerism, communities around the world often experience strengthened solidarity and inclusion.

Some people claim they don’t have time to volunteer and see it as an activity that only benefits others. But the truth is, the benefits of volunteering on the individual are far-reaching and can have a dramatic impact on your  overall well being, as well as your relationships with others and career prospects.

Experience volunteering looksgreat on your resume and will help build friendships and communities that can be a powerful antidote to the mental health issues affecting many people today.

What is a cause you care about deeply? What is it that fuels your passion and makes you tell everyone about it? It could be anything from child welfare to Good Governance or Youth Empowerment. Whatever it is that tugs on your heartstrings, it deserves your drive. It needs your voice.

When you feel passionate about a cause, you owe it to the cause and yourself to get involved and make sure your voice is heard.

You might think that the only way to make a difference is to donate money. While financial contributions are certainly welcome and useful, volunteering can be just as helpful. Most non-profit organizations like MORE Global Foundation rely on volunteers to keep their programs running smoothly. If you’ve never volunteered before, you should get started.

Volunteering has some fantastic benefits for the volunteer. Some benefits may seem obvious, but others are things you only discover once you’ve gotten started.

Still not convinced that volunteering is for you? Then I'm a living witness of the huge benefits of SERIAL VOLUNTEERING💯📝

Before you volunteer, you must be able to answer your WHY – Who, What, When, Why and Where – to help you 
figure out that all important H – how.

WHO - Who are the target audience you want to render your assistance?

WHAT - What do you want to achieve? What is your sustainable advantage? What do you offer?

WHEN - When do you want to meet particular goals? When will you start?

WHY - Why would NGO’s want your service? Why are you involving yourself in volunteering?

WHERE - Where is your skills required? Where is the target audience? Where are the new opportunities located?

And finally, HOW do you get from where you are now to where you want to be?

Kudos to all serial volunteers in the world touching lives and making positive change in our society.💪🏼

Let's keep doing MORE for humanity globally🌍

#MOREGlobal #Impact #MOREToUnleash #BeMORE #IVD2019

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